Saturday 19 September 2009

The Creator must be weeping….

I watched President Mills from the very moment he was elected as the Head of State of Ghana. The more speeches he gives the more my heart bleeds for mother Ghana. And for those people who are quick to dismiss my article because they are NDC supporters, I assure you that my intentions are solely for the benefit of all Ghanaians and also like to remind my readers I have no political affiliation. President Professor John Atta Mills has given various speeches asking God to intervene and help mother Ghana. Well, I am not against God helping Ghana except, I am angered by Professor Mills and his elite politicians who have bluntly refused to use their beautiful mind that the Almighty God has given them to create a better nation for all. Their laziness and lack of willingness for creativity is of great disturbance to me. I am highly disappointed by President Mills’ lack of vision and the whole Obama “want to be” attitude by constantly delivering not so well written and irrelevant speeches. I question his lack of reasoning and ungratefulness for not thinking like his Creator. The bible says ‘ God created man in his own image’ therefore it is the greatest insult to say the least that these political elites regardless of what party they belong, use the weakness of Ghanaians love for God for their own selfish corrupt political ambitions. These political elites are always willing and happy to show how religious they are however, always clueless and incapable to solve various problems such as poverty, mosquito eradication and drug war.

God gave Solomon wisdom and he became the Wisest man ever lived but for some obscure reasons Professor Mills, despite all his education and the blessings of becoming the leader of Ghana, he consciously or out of stupidity has no clue what to do and he spat on God’s face and says to God well, how about you send manna from heaven then perhaps I can lead and do my duty as head of state. May be I’m being too critical of President Mills because he has only been in office for less than a year. But, surely men with purpose and vision clearly stand out and never in a single breath are they ever over shadowed by their own lack of articulate speeches or spoken words. When Martin Luther King, Kwame Nkrumah and even Barack Obama spoke everybody understood and imagined their vision. However, when President Mills opens his mouth, not even himself understands or believe what he says and by the way, Jerry Rawlings and John Kuffour were worst. Ghana is a nation full of various mineral resources in addition to the finest brains and man power on earth. Yet, all these already wonderful blessings from the creater have deliberately gone to waste and sadly undiscovered. It is with great sadness that Ghanaians adores the West however, what they fail to recognised is that the Western civilisation was built by man who acted like man and not like mashed potatoes. The West’s mineral resources are no close at all to the rich mineral resources floating around the continent of mother Africa. However, these ungrateful leaders live on the richest continent on God’s planet yet the people they govern are the poorest under the beautiful Sun.


  1. As an NDC supporter, I must say that this article is very daming to President Mills. But I get you point and well written.

  2. Hm this is too harsh. WEll you need to water your words abit eb=ven though you arehitting the nail at the right point.

  3. Yes Yes Yes keep on keeping on sista... mi love that this is straight and conscious you know yourself and your location very well. i am interested in Shooting the 'gun' of Wisdom with you, on educating the Ghanaian about the beauty of Ghana and Africa as a whole and how we can direct a vision for ourselves i do what you are doing every sunday on SKYY TV Digital channel in Takoradi... lets everyone know religious people are divided in taught and a threat to the future of Africa. Jesus, Mohammed and all religious icons were tolerant and spoke the word of Life and they were not elected by man to do what they did, we are one with God when we act in His Conscience which we are born with. Now Politicians like some false prophets give long prayers;Faith not only prayer (Faith is the knowledge of the VISION OF JAH). JAH guide sista
